Thursday, November 18, 2010

Notable Event - Reading About Gertie

Notable persons and events are a part of every life.  It has been my intention in this blog to occasionally highlight events or persons that have impacted me in some way.   On this day I wanted to give a nod to Andy Baird.  Why? His blog and the account of his full timer transition via Gertie (his first RV shown above) was the first RVing information that I really dug into.  I have not actually MET Andy, except through his writings.  I pulled this image from his site with his permission.  If you have time for some interesting reading, especially if you are new to RVing or trying to RV on a tighter budget or buy an older RV and update it, check out his site. 

As a new RV traveler and Blogger I wanted to take a moment and reflect on the crossroad I was at about 18 months ago.   I had an unidentified path to an unclear dream in my mind.  In reading Andy's blog I was able to begin to bridge the gaps in my mind.  I have since read many more blogs and gained additional insight.  The dream has begun to happen  This process is part of a new life learning paradigm that is steadily increasing in momentum.  But as I consider my RVer roots that are shallow and new, I cannot ignore the fact that Andy Baird inspired the concepts of my future lifestyle.

I am guessing that Andy is somewhere out in New Mexico living his dream.  He recently encountered a storm that impacted his RV.  He is raising funds for the repairs.  Check out his site and perhaps lend some support.  He has some really great ideas about RV maintenance, systems and living.

Best wishes Andy.  Stay safe and I hope our travels cross paths some day.  Regards from a fellow RVer.


1 comment:

  1. I like the fact that you are giving credit to others, nicely done!
